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The PVUSD Board of Trustees voted unanimously on 2/24/21 to pass Resolution #20-21-16, requiring all PVUSD school sites and buildings to fly the rainbow pride flag for Harvey Milk Day (May 22), the month of June (LGBTQ Pride month) and the month of October (LGBTQ History month). PVUSD is committed to supporting our LGBTQ+ students, staff and families, and all school sites should be educating students about LGBTQ+ history during October.
LGBTQ History Month
October is LGBTQ History Month
LGBT History Month was created in 1994 by a high school history teacher in Missouri named Rodney Wilson. The month, which garnered early support from organizations such as GLAAD and the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), was initially chosen to include the by-then well-established National Coming Out Day on Oct. 11 and the anniversary of the first march on Washington by LGBT people in 1979 on Oct. 14. Source: glaad.org
All PVUSD school sites and buildings are required to fly the pride flag for the month of October
PVUSD schools actively work to welcome and affirm LGBTQ+ students, families and staff. The PVUSD Board of Trustees passed Resolution #22-23-58, requiring all PVUSD school sites and buildings to fly the rainbow pride flag for Harvey Milk Day (May 22), the month of June (LGBTQ+ Pride month) and the month of October (LGBTQ+ History month). When students feel safe and affirmed, they can thrive both academically and socially.
The flag we are using is called the Progress Pride flag
The Progress Pride flag takes the basic 6 stripe rainbow pride flag and adds an inset of brown and black stripes to represent LGBTQ+ communities of color, and pink, light blue and white stripes to represent the transgender community. This flag was chosen because it is more inclusive of our diverse community.
The stakes are high for LGBTQ+ youth
Affirming the identities of LGBTQ+ students saves lives. LGBTQ+ youth are a particularly vulnerable population, at dramatically higher risk for bullying, harassment, suicide, self harm, substance abuse, family rejection/estrangement, and homelessness. Often LGBTQ+ youth do not have support from their families, either because they don’t feel safe coming out to them or have been rejected after coming out, and research shows that just one supportive adult in their life reduces an LGBTQ+ youth’s suicide risk.
Inclusive curriculum is mandated by CA law
The Fair Education Act went into effect in January 2012, amending the California Education Code to include the Fair, Accurate, Inclusive and Respectful reference to contributions by people with disabilities and members of the LGBTQ+ community in public school history and social studies curriculum.
The Fair Education Act went into effect in January 2012, amending the California Education Code to include the Fair, Accurate, Inclusive and Respectful reference to contributions by people with disabilities and members of the LGBTQ+ community in public school history and social studies curriculum.
PVUSD strives to provide a welcoming and inclusive environment for all students.
We have a diverse school community, and we want every student - and their families - to feel recognized and valued.
We recognize that we have LGBTQ+ students and students with LGBTQ+ family members at all grade levels and that affirming LGBTQ+ identities is critical at all of our school sites.