- Departments
- Business Services
- Accounting
- Benefits
- Finance & Budget
- Food & Nutrition
- Maintenance Operations and Facilities
- Payroll
- Purchasing
- Risk & Safety Management
- Technology
- Transportation
- Educational Services
- Adult Education
- Assessment and Accountability
- Child Development
- Community Services
- Educational Services
- Educational Services Division
- Common Core
- Comprehensive Accountability Framework
- Contact Us
- Curriculum and Innovation Coaches
- English Language Development
- Ethnic Studies
- History/Social Science
- Language Arts/Literacy
- Master Plan for English Learner Success
- Mathematics
- PD Registration- Kickup
- Physical Education
- SARC Reports
- Science
- Seal of Biliteracy
- Textbooks
- (VAPA) Visual and Performing Arts
- Black History Month
- Indigenous Peoples' Day
- Expanded Learning
- Elementary Education
- Expanded Learning
- Migrant Education
- Migrant and Seasonal Head Start
- Secondary Education
- Special Services
- State & Federal Programs
- Student Services
- Child Welfare and Attendance
- Community Schools
- Counseling Department
- District Office Contacts
- Enrollment
- Family Engagement and Wellness Center
- Foster Youth
- Healthy Start Program
- LGBTQ History Month
- LGBTQ Students
- Socio-Emotional Counselors
- Social Emotional Resources/ Recursos Socioemocionales
- Student Services Forms
- Student Services Resources
- Students In Transition
- TK/ Kinder Enrollment
- Human Resources
- Business Services
Child Welfare and Attendance
The above lists arrange schools by category and from highest to lowest current attendance rate for the school year.
Las listas organizan las escuelas por categoría y de mayor a menor tasa de asistencia actual para el año escolar.
* Note: Data is current as of 6 pm on the most recently completed school day. Data includes all students in Transitional Kindergarten (TK) through 12th grade, with the exception of students enrolled in Bridge, Duncan Holbert, Linscott Charter, Pacific Coast Charter, Post Secondary and Virtual Academy. All attendance rates are considered preliminary and are subject to adjustments due to changes in student enrollment and class assignments.
* Nota: Los datos están actualizados a las 6 p.m. del más reciente día escolar completado. Los datos incluyen a todos los estudiantes desde jardín de infantes de transición (TK, por sus siglas en inglés) hasta el grado 12, con la excepción de los estudiantes matriculados en Bridge, Duncan Holbert, Linscott Charter, Pacific Coast Charter, Post Secondary y Academia Virtual. Todos los índices de asistencia se consideran preliminares y están sujetos a ajustes debido a cambios en la inscripción de los estudiantes y las asignaciones de clases.