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PVUSD Ethnic studies vision

PVUSD Ethnic studies vision

The Vision of Ethnic Studies in Pajaro Valley Unified School District is to provide rich learning experiences that center experiences, stories, and knowledge of Ethnic Studies groups while also shaping a lens to understand and critique dominant power structures, ultimately to eliminate racism and intersectional forms of oppression. Ethnic Studies will provide a culturally and community-responsive education that values the F.I.E.L.D.S. in and of Pajaro Valley.
pvusd Ethnic Studies values

pvusd Ethnic Studies values


Centering Pajaro Valley, especially the voices of indigenous peoples and communities of color and their fight for freedom


Living freely to be and transform one's identity while respecting the freedom of all relations


Empathizing that leads to connection along with personal and social responsibility


"Reading the world" and the word through a systems literacy that fosters a critical lens


Imagining a world-rid of racism and interesectional forms of oppression-that centers the well-being, joy, and dreams of all


Showing solidarity to support the actualization of all people in Pajaro Valley and beyond
Offerings by Grade Level

Offerings by Grade Level


Grade 9

Grade 10

Grade 11

Grade 12


Ethnic Lit and Studies 1A
No Prereq
Ethnic Lit and Studies 1B
No Prereq
Ethnic Lit and Studies 2 (Honors)
Prereq ELS 1 or WH-ES or Art 1-ES
Ethnic Lit and Studies 2 (Honors) 
Recommend ELS 1 or WH-ES or USES
Ethnic Lit and Studies 3 (Honors)
Prereq ELS2


World History Ethnic Studies
No Prereq
U.S. History Ethnic Studies
No Prereq


Art 1 Ethnic Studies
No Prereq
Art 1 Ethnic Studies
No Prereq
Art 1 Ethnic Studies
No Prereq
Art 1 Ethnic Studies
No Prereq
Course Descriptions

Course Descriptions

Course Catalog Descriptions

  Click below to see individual course outlines: 


Rich Moran

Rich Moran

Director of Language Arts and History/Social Science
(831) 786-2100 ext. 2565
Hilary Kluger Reid

Hilary Kluger Reid

Curriculum Coach, Middle and High School History/Social Science
(831) 786-2100 ext. 2573
Ingrid Hartnett

Ingrid Hartnett

Curriculum Coach, High School English Language Arts
(831) 786-2100
Rhia Hurt

Rhianna Hurt

Curriculum Coach, VAPA
(831) 786-2100 ext.2588
Ethnic Studies In Action

See what students are doing
Ethnic Studies In Action

PVUSD Teachers with Chairman Valentin Lopez of the Amah Mutsun Tribal Band at an Educators Workshop in October, 2024

The White Hawk Indian Council For Children Visit a PVHS Ethnic Studies Class

The White Hawk Indian Council For Children Visit a PVHS Ethnic Studies Class

Political Cartoon Assignment for US History Ethnic Studies Class

Political Cartoon Assignment for US History Ethnic Studies Class

Political Cartoon Assignment for US History Ethnic Studies Class

World History Ethnic Studies Project

World History Ethnic Studies Project

Ethnic Studies Lit Zine Project

Ethnic Studies Lit Zine Project

Ethnic Studies Lit Zine Project

Ethnic Studies Lit Zine Project

Ethnic Lit Class at PVHS

Artivism counter-narratives critique

Ethnic Studies Lit Project

World History Ethnic Studies Project

WHES Student Projects Aptos High

WHES Storyboard Project

Ethnic Lit Project

U.S. History Ethnic Studies America Is Project